With recent interest rate rises should you pay off your mortgage faster or save more in super? We cover key considerations in this article.
You might be wondering what to do with your cashflow given the recent rise in home loan interest rates. Should you pay off your mortgage faster or save more in super? While the answer depends on your personal situation, investing more in super may make your money work harder.
Super can be more tax‑effective
A great thing about super is you may be able to contribute pre-tax salary (if you’re an eligible employee) or claim personal contributions as a tax deduction.
With your mortgage, on the other hand, repayments are made with after-tax income and are not tax deductible (unless the property is an investment and other conditions are met).
Saving more in super can be a smarter way to use your extra money. The table below illustrates the additional benefit of investing
in super at different income levels, assuming $10,000 in pre-tax income is available.
For example, if you earn between $120,001 and $180,000, with $10,000 in pre-tax income, you could make a net loan repayment of $6,100 or invest a net amount of $8,500 in super. That puts you $2,400 ahead by making extra super contributions.